Saturday, January 15, 2011

Staples Gone!

More staples than Office Max...30 in all.

Feeling pretty good today. We removed the remaining 15 staples this morning and I think I'm more comfortable as a result. It's been a struggle to find an ideal position for draining my new and improved bladder, so I've been alternating between 3 different chairs and the bed every few hours for the past couple days. Let me tell you, that gets old quick. I'm fed up with this 'resting' garbage and ready to get back to my normal routine, but I think it'll be a few more weeks before that is possible. In the meantime, I'm trying to empty out my Tivo backlog, while working on resolutions for the upcoming year. Suggestions?

"When your reality changes, your dreams don't have to."


  1. Holy crap! Great video, he reminds me of you. Also, holy crap - what a lot of staples!!! Love you, Aunt Kris

  2. Cam
    I agree with your Aunt Kris. You are amazing. I had Larry D. come upstairs to see the video & your staples. Nurse Nat isn't home yet from basketball practice. We'll share with her later.

    I baked cookies yesterday afternoon. We'll see if we can find room on the Grand Rapids truck that delivers this Thurs. Carton will be marked to your attention. I'll send enough so you will be able to share with your family.

  3. trying to eat breakfast in a hotel room in Milton FL; surprise! Cameron's staples! JK, hope the recovery goes well
