Tuesday, January 4, 2011

More rest on Tues pm -- 10pm

Cam got a bit of rest today between visits multitude of nurses, doctors, residents, x-ray techicians, members of the Lift Team, local friends, visiting nurses, brother, etc,etc. Cam got to recline in a chair in the room; this required the 'Lift Team' to use the overhead hoist to lift him out of the bed and into the chair; and then later to do the reverse. Cudos to Nurse Sue, who traveled from GR in order to spell Kim and I; she was here to keep Cam safe from 'the system'. Cam is doing fine and right on schedule. The next few days are important in order to get his bowels moving again normally.
We ask for prayers that there are no complications during this week. Thanks for your support; we appreciate it greatly.
Got a few more pics for you

Nurse Sue and patient Cam

Cam and his 2 favorite nurses

Proud Parents

Cam in his recliner

U of M RNs Kate and Dorian helped Cam today

Take care and God Bless!!


  1. Awesome pics! Thanks for the updates Dougie!

  2. Wow! You're going to need that Patron I promised you! What an ordeal. We are thrilled that all is going well and continue to send you our best prayers and wishes for a full recovery!
    Sharon & Jim

  3. Dear Cam,fabulous nurses and blog extraordinaire!
    Thank you so much for the pics and the updates. We are so thrilled at your recovery and will keep praying for your strength and health.
    love you all!!
    The Naults
