Saturday, January 8, 2011

Feeling Great Today

Finally got a great night sleep, maybe due to the calming presence of Mackenzie, who slept over, but more likely due to the lack of a certain, poor-English speaking nurse in my face all night, asking, "Mistah Young, you in pain?!" Over and over. Which happened Thursday night. The whole night.

So, the absence of the nighttime, Gulag-style interrogation was a welcome relief. The grogginess of Tuesday and Wednesday is gone and I feel stronger and more alert, interrupted only by the occasional twinge of tightness from my general stomach region.

Had a big lunch (No Thai finally!), and visited with the Payne's, who came down to visit. I've been sitting up in my wheelchair for a while for practice, as I need to be able to survive the ride home in said chair. This was high on the momma's goal list, so you can imagine how much nagging this activity involved. I'm getting closer to being ready for the return to GR, so hopefully I can watch Monday's big bowl game on our big screen instead of the tiny box I have here.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! Great update, so glad to hear about the progress. Hope tonight is another good night sleep. What a great bro for staying with you last night. Hope, hope, hope you can get home by Monday night for your game! Love ya, Aunt Kris
