Saturday, December 3, 2011

Videos for Saturday

Try not to get a headache from the overwhelming cuteness:

They're the modern day Penn and Teller: Rosie just sits there, mute, deer-in-the-headlights like you'd imagine a 5 year old might, while her 8 year old cousin, the incredibly bubbly Sophia Grace, does all the talking.

This is funny too:

Daddy butter? Left handed washing glove? Mormon disco ball? Ron Paul workout video?

Dogs are the best:

1 comment:

  1. Cam
    Enjoyed your videos. Baking cookies is on my agenda for this weekend. Our company holiday party is Saturday night. I am donating 8 dozen peanut butter blossom cookies for a silent auction. My donation $$ will be sent to the 160th Night Stalkers Special Forces to be put in the college scholarship fund for the children of the fallen heroes. Makes me sad to think of children losing a parent. I am donating in memory of our friends son who was killed in 2005. He was in the 160th Special Forces Division. Very special people.
    Nat finished her semester yesterday. She doesn't have to go back until Feb. as she took a summer course to get the entire month of January off. She is going to Florida 3rd week of January.
    Hope your therapy is going good. Say hello to your family from the Daltons. Time to get ready for work.
