Thursday, December 8, 2011

Human Exoskeleton Presented at TEDMED

TEDMED is, in its own words, "TEDMED’s mission is to help America and the world understand the great challenges of health and medicine, connect the right people and inspire the leadership we need.
TEDMED’s annual event is three days of passionate explorations, nonstop discussions, stimulating field trips to leading national medical institutions, meeting extraordinary people, making surprising intellectual connections and making lifelong friends. TEDMED is committed to generating new ideas and celebrating innovations that can lead to better health outcomes for 300 million Americans…and the world."

Nurture (my employer) actually presented at TEDMED this year, so I followed it closely on social media, and was able to gain an appreciation for the creativity and innovation gathered there.

Eythor Bender, of Ekso Bionics, presented at the show - check this out.

Not a perfect solution, kinda bulky, and of course battery life is an issue, but a pretty cool solution to the problem of paralysis. I can't wait to see how this develops in the near future.

Check out the other TEDMED videos without knivesTissue engineering that could 'print' new organs? Why not?

1 comment:

  1. Cam
    There is a carton marked to your attention that will be delivered on Tues. 12/13 Grand Rapids truck. Enjoy!!

