Tuesday, August 20, 2013


The evolution of a wedding:

The male side of wedding party. 

Party bus!

Cousins and shape-up school partners.

The Brothers Young.

The fam.

An expanded Young family.

Some TLC...err, slaps from the aunts.

No more pictures!


The aftermath - a tired mama/party planner.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing. Nat was in a wedding last Saturday in Columbus for her friend Jenna's wedding. We were told by many people that Nat looked stunning. As I have said before Larry D. & I cannot claim her fame. She had fun. How crazy for me to ask what time she got to her hotel room as her reply was 3:30 a.m. Oh my!! She was on her way when we left @ 9:00 p.m. The wedding party had a fun time. Her week long visit went by fast as she returned back to FL today. I was gone 2 days for work & she had plans 3 days for wedding preparation details. Nat starts back to college this fall to get her Masters in Nursing Degree. She will be attending a college in Tampa. It will take her approx. 2 years. She has a new boyfriend who is from Buffalo, NY who Larry & I have not met yet. He looks like a nice guy. He is obtaining his Masters Degree in Business Administration. His father is a dentist & mother is a Director of Nursing at a hospital. As long as he treats her nice that is what matters to us.
    I told Ann @ BY today Larry D. & I want to make another trip to GR this fall to visit the Young family again. We enjoyed our time so much back in 2008.
    Our Welsch Corgi Marley is doing good. She will be 1 on 12/1. Larry D. loves his dog. She is so smart & head strong. Nat always asks how the crazy little b---- is doing when she calls. Nat loves her but she continues to get into her stuff when she comes home for a visit which makes Nat really mad.
    Larry & I continue to stay very busy with our jobs which we are very thankful to have jobs that we love to go to. Gotta love B-Y!!

    Take care & I hope you are doing well & therapy continues to be a success. You look great in the pictures.
    I tell people there is 20 pounds more of me to either like or dislike from last year. Oh my gosh. I need to work on taking the weight back off. Kind of hard when I come home from work - eat & go to bed. Nat blames it on going out to eat too much.
