Monday, September 19, 2011

Pretty Boy Floyd vs. Money Mayweather

Even more questionable than his knockout punches were those shorts. Halloween come early?

That's what the fight has always been, spelled out well in this article. The preternaturally gifted native of Grand Rapids is rarely challenged in the ring, vanquishing his hand-chosen challengers as easily as he places a 50K bet at the Vegas casinos he now calls home. It really is a shame that he's developed such an unlikeable, albeit entertaining, persona - he truly is a wunderkind in the ring, a master of strategy and defense who rarely takes any punishment and dishes it out so quickly and suddenly you often can't see it until the instant replay. He could easily take his well-deserved place in the uppermost echelon of boxing history that he desires so badly, if only his ego didn't keep getting in the way. He wants to retire undefeated so badly he's been accused of ducking his most dangerous potential opponents, (ie. Manny Pacquiao, a fight that hopefully, hopefully happens. It would be one of the top 3 hyped fights of all time, guaranteed. Each fighter would stand to make $40 million - does Floyd love money enough to make this happen? Stay tuned.) when, ironically, his only chance of garnering the place in history his ego requires is to fight and beat the best fighters of his generation. Stand pat and retire undefeated as a second tier champ vs. take the fight the world wants to see, and either emerge as a legend or as someone willing to compete against the best. Seems like an easy decision, but 'Money' Mayweather doesn't make anything easy these days, at least when he's out of the ring.

In Floyd's defense, the interviewer is insane, but here's an example of his mouth being faster than even his fists. And no way Larry Merchant at age 30 would whup Floyd's ass.

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