Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas from the Young's

2010: A Retrospective

2010 was going to be the “BEST YEAR EVER”, according to the reputable magazines I usually scan as I wait in the check-out line at the grocery store. Oh, who am I kidding, I don’t buy groceries. Take-out baby! That’s why God invented cell phones. And Chinese food. And Discount Burger Wednesday at O’Brien’s, but I digress…

2010 was a good year, if not quite the advertised “best ever”. That title belongs to 2004, the year I graduated high school, started college, and discovered the wondrous game of beer pong. But Mom, it was just apple juice we were playing with, I promise! (Unless apple juice is now sold in aluminum cans marked “Natural Light”, it wasn’t apple juice.) But behold the wonders of naiveté, where sometimes it’s better to cover your eyes and plug your ears and pretend your college freshmen child is in the library on a Friday night. (That was Mackenzie.)

There’s much in this world we overlook, both by accident and by will. Maybe it’s the news we read, or watch, or listen to, that gives us only half of the story, and expects us to be too busy or too tired to care about the rest. Or it’s the stories that go unreported, that pop up on our smartphone or iPad and then get lost in the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives. There’s no better time than Christmas to pause and reflect upon the gifts we’ve been given, the comfort we enjoy, and the community to which we belong.

And now, haikus about the Young family!

Jon:                 Just got his car back

                       Enjoys his job at B-Y

                       Still has the goatee

Bo:                  A bundle of joy

                       Furry and cute to play with

                       Likes to eat feces

Mackenzie:      Junior at U-M

                       Just turned 21 years old

                       Not a fan of Glee

Cameron:        Working at Steelcase

                      Can see, big thanks to LASIK

                      Pumped for 2011

Mom&Dad:     Not quite empty nest

                      Growing older gracefully

                      Pretty cool I guess

May 2011 bring you joy and happiness (and Michigan victories! C’mon, I had to put one plug in!)




  1. you should write a newspaper column. so funny.

    BUT: regardless of how you are saying "2011" (twenty eleven, two-thousand-eleven, twenty-one-one, two-oh-one-one) it's not going to fit in your haiku.

  2. Nice summary, best wishes to all of the Youngs for a great 2011
