Wednesday, December 1, 2010

LASIK Tomorrow!

Gonna get the 'ol eyeballs worked on. Slightly nervewracking, what with the whole laser/eyeball in close proximity thing, but nothing a little Valium can't handle. Luckily it only takes around 30 seconds per eye, so it will be quick. And apparently I have very smooth corneas, making mine an easy correction to make. So I've got that going for me....which is nice. I look forward to a glasses-free world, at least until I'm old and need reading glasses, like most old people I know. Wish me luck!

A Montana thunderstorm at sunset.


  1. How did the lasik surgery go Cam? Hopefully simple and effective!!! Love yah, Aunt Deb

  2. Hope your surgery went ok. I already have my 2011 eye appt. as I need bifocals. Nat turned 21 this week. Now that makes me feel old. Larry D. will be having another sinus surgery next month. We are going for surgeon consultation appt. today in Columbus. It has been 3 1/2 years since last procedure. Take Care. Nat is preparing for finals next week. Another college year 1/2 over. Please say hello to your family.
