Saturday, January 16, 2010

Therapy Update


Just kidding, I'll provide a more substantive update than that. My therapy schedule was slightly interrupted during the holiday season, thanks in part to Christmas and New Years both falling on a Friday this year (Who knew, 7 days apart...) So I was forced against my will to take those days off, and relax a little bit, and, you know, stuff my face with delicious food on multiple occasions. Also against my will. But I'm back on my normal MWF schedule now, and have worked off the rust that comes with taking extended breaks. I have friends who are former wrestlers tell me before that they can notice a difference in their conditioning after drinking a single carbonated beverage, let alone a 24 pack of Milwaukee's Best Light like I did on New Year's Eve (Not true.) I've worked all that 2009 dust off, and am now operating at peak levels. I walked using the blue walker this week for the first time in several weeks and I think the break was beneficial in some ways too; I felt very strong and balanced and my trainers commented on the quality of our walking session.

I think I'm going to start going in the pool soon, so watch out for video of that. Be sure to wear your shades as the pale tint of my untanned skin may cause blindness.


  1. Cam
    I am packed ready for my MI trip. Larry D.,my sister & I had another busy day cleaning @ my dad's house yesterday. We are done with the main floor. My dad is pleased with our efforts.
    We found 2 more large photos of me in my mom's closet. I teased my sister funny how we haven't found any big photos of you. We laughed about it.
    We have people asking us when we are cleaning their homes. That isn't going to happen. My sister & I went to the nursing home last evening to visit my dad's aunt who said when I get home I'll call you to come clean. She is 93 who still mows her yard - has a garden & her house - garage is very clean. She had hip surgery & seems to be doing well getting anxious to come home. I hope I can be like her. She was healthy all her life.
    Take care!!

  2. I'm pretty made we never saw each other over the holidays, but I only blame myself.

    Get'cho pants off the ground.

  3. BEAST! (referring to the beer, and your therapy)

    p.s. you just try to figure out who this came from...i'm clicking anonymous.
