Saturday, January 30, 2010


My experience in the pool was not as unenjoyable as I thought it might be. I wouldn't make the leap to say it was 'fun' or 'something I liked', but it wasn't unbearable. The water was warm, hopefully due to the heater, not the previous occupants. We, two trainers and myself, tried to replicate some of the standing and walking we do on land, in an attempt to compare the reactions of my leg muscles in the differing environments. Fighting buoyancy every step of the way, we managed to get through it, and the experience was instructive. My trainers reported my muscles firing on command (sort of), like a well-trained army with a malfunctioning radio. But my glutes, hammys, and quads were all making noise, so that's good news enough to keep getting in the water. It'd be nicer to look out the window and see palm trees instead of snow drifts, but what can you do.


  1. Holy Cow Cameron, skiing one day, in the pool the next! Sounds awesome! Let me know when you are ready for a dog, i loved the video, they are amazing helpers. Love ya, stay warm, Aunt Kris

  2. Cam
    You are so dedicated. I would refuse to get in the water - Larry D. & I cannot swim. We made sure Nat loves the water. Riding in a boat is my limit. Nat is on break until this Friday. She will have clinicals from 7:00 - 11:30 a.m. 1 day per week. She just received her grades for the 2 classes she took last month - 2 A's. Hard to believe she is at this learning phase already. She even admits that college is going pretty fast. My reply was wait until you get old then it really passes by fast. The annual Danville Lions Club coon supper was last evening. Nat & I didn't work this year - one year was more than enough for us to handle. They had over 700 present. It smells disgusting - can't say how it tastes but they sold out of food. The featured speaker was Greg Frye - an Ohio State Alumni. I'm sure you are familiar with this guy. Larry D. has lost 25 pounds & I have lost 18 pounds. He is dedicated to the WII Fit Plus - completes exercises every day. I have cut down on food intake plus getting exercise cleaning both homes. I'm sure the weight will come back much easier than it came off. Nat has no weight to lose - skinny little brat. I hope she stays this way all her life. I always thought when she turned a teenager she would be different. That would have been tragedy for her being skinny all her life. She is a misfit in our family - no one else looks like her. I need to learn the WII fit exercises & become dedicated too. Good luck with your swimming. Continue using your imagination seeing the ocean/beach instead of snow.
    My cousin turns 40 this weekend. His wife is surprising him with a memory book. Numerous people have sent what memories we have of Tim along with any photos we wanted to share. I think my 1 page will create tears for him as I based my memories with things that happened with my mom & Tim. He was always her favorite. Even when she was on the vent machine I made the comment to her while he was standing there about Tim always being her favorite. She nodded her head yes. He said it was real tough seeing her so sick. He was the class clown & was so ornery to all teachers - his parents - relatives & got away with it. Everyone still loves Tim today. His poor wife if his son turns out acting like Tim. We all want little Jackson to turn out to be a jokester just like his dad. Oh my!!
