Sunday, November 22, 2009


The long awaited and much ballyhooed video has finally arrived. We started doing walking like this in early October, once I was able to keep my trunk up without assistance. We try to do it at least once, and when we're lucky twice, per week, and each time it feels much easier than the last.
As you can see, they're helping me pull my leg forward; I can help a little bit with that but it's more of a reflexive action by my muscles, which usually starts off strong and peters out towards the middle of the walk. The main thing I am working on doing myself are trunk control, meaning keep my trunk centered and upright (not face-planting/ass-planting!), weight shifting from side to side to aid my steps, and also locking my leg into extension, when the knee is straight and the muscles are engaged and I can put weight on them.
This is 100% weight bearing, which is very important for bone density, muscle tone etc. I'm exhausted when I'm done, but it's a great feeling!


  1. Good gracious! Your father recently described what you were doing; the video makes it even more impressive. Keep up the hard work

  2. Unbelievable. So inspiring....

  3. yo cam i'm really happy and imma let you finish but Unk had the greatest walk it out of all time. OF ALL TIME!


    GO BLUE!

  4. WOW! That is really cool. Keep working hard kid.

  5. Cam
    Thanks for sharing the video. You are amazing. Have a nice Thanksgiving holiday. I fought tears the entire way home this evening thinking about my mom. This will certainly be different. Larry D. is miserable dealing with his sinus polyps. I can't wait until he sees the surgeon next Friday. I know this was part of being emotional this evening thinking about my mom telling me 2 weeks before she died that she thought Larry D. was a very sick man. My reply was we need to worry about your health. Larry D is ok. His condition has changed alot the past month. I guess she knew. As I have typed before he is such a strong man which is a good thing. His issue is not being able to lay down to sleep as he can't breathe with all the drainage. Hopefully surgery can take place in December but I'm sure it will be the 1st part of the year. Here we go again with medical stuff. What was I thinking when I thought 2010 would be much better than 2009. My dad continues to avoid answering my question when I ask about his liver. He is to be on a fat free /sugar free diet. That isn't happening. Larry D. said it is my dad's choice of what he wants to do. My sister continues to have a very tough time dealing with not having mom around. I try to remain the strong person. Thankfully Nat is such a strong girl. She loves the flannel blanket my dad gave her the other night. It is the blanket grandma made that Nat always used when she slept on their couch for many years. He wanted me to give it to her & my instructions were for him to pass it on to Nat.

    Nat is done with college for the week. She is going shopping with her friend McKenzie tomorrow & is babysitting 4 kids this evening. She has alot of homework during her mini break getting ready for mid-term exams & assignments that are due next week.

    Say hello to the entire very special Young family. Don't eat too much!!

  6. Wow. That is so inspring.
    We have followed your progress as your Aunt Kris has updated us. My son goes to Spring Hill with Sean. Good Going Cameron.
