Friday, January 18, 2013


Here's my most recent walking video, from last Friday. After some time off over the holidays, I'm back at the three days a week, three hours per visit of physical therapy. It's been feeling pretty good lately - my leg muscles loosen up quickly, making the whole process smoother, and usually I can get a few steps at the beginning that I do the lion's share of the work on. It's not quite totally self-initiated, they're usually reflexive pulls from my ankles, legs, hips, and core being in the proper alignment, but hey, anything that's coming from me and not being done for me is a good start. We usually walk around 300 feet, about a good pitching wedge for all you golfers out there, and by that time I'm breathing pretty heavy.

The guy in the Bosley Hair Restoration toupee scam commercial says "80% of feeling good is looking good", but he must be using Mitt Romney's pollsters, because even with pants rolled up and '90s-era New Balances on, I am feeling good!

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