Wednesday, October 20, 2010

At Least UofM Cheerleaders Are Still The Leaders And Best

Every school has one: a homecoming celebration, an annual pilgrimage where proud alums return to campus to drink beer, eat chili, and wish for an afternoon that they were still enrolled.

At Michigan homecoming games, a particular delight are the cheerleaders, who, with the zest of Civil War re-enactors, return to their glory days of too-tight block M sweaters and dare-devil stunts. They pull off backflips, arm-in-arm handstands, and the famed 'locomotive', done correctly by the chaps above, and horribly wrong, though enthusiastically, by the fellows below.

1 comment:

  1. well, just like the Lions last week, you didn't lose!
    loving football this season...
    Aunt Deb
