Monday, May 3, 2010

New Video!

Despite it's grainy, unprofessional look, don't worry, this is not security camera footage.


  1. Go Cameron Go!!! Great posture! We love ya, The Rudin's

  2. Cam
    AWESOME!! This video made my day seeing you walk. Nat is ready for 5/21 - last day of college. She is doing well with hospital clinicals. Larry D's dad is slowly dying with cancer/leukemia. Larry said his stomach tumor probably weighs over 50 lbs. I haven't seen him in a few weeks as I cannot take seeing someone this ill. I get very sick seeing people who are in this type condition. Larry knows me well & told me that I don't want to see him. Hospice comes to their home various times througout the week. We don't know what is keeping him alive. It is so sad that someone has to suffer like this.

    I loved Bo's video. He is so precious. I do read your webpage often just haven't typed anything for a long time. Say hello to Dick & Barbara.

    My dad is doing ok. We continue to help him with cleaning-cooking,etc. Hard to believe it has been 1 year since my mom was put on the vent for the 1st time & will soon be 1 year since she left us. We miss her so much but realize it is part of life. I still dislike cooking but have been successful with trying some of her recipes.
    Take care.

  3. I agree with Brenda; that video made my day. Keep it up

  4. Jeff Bartels aka MontanaMay 8, 2010 at 1:59 AM

    Looking good Cameron! Keep up the good work buddy!

  5. Wow Cam. Really aMaizing video. Made my day as well.

    Uncle Kelly
