Wednesday, December 25, 2013

"Buzz...your girlfriend..."


Everyone remembers this immortal scene. A Home Alone Kevin McAllister rummages through his older brother's room and happens upon a portrait of his unfortunate looking girlfriend. 

Enjoy these new takes on that iconic scene:

I so should have thought of this too:

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Game

Wow. After yesterday's game, I feel like a combination of this:

and this:

We were the seal, about to snatch a mega victory away from our most hated rival, until they were, snatching the victory back and swimming off with it. To complete the metaphor, now the charter fishing company is closed until next November. And we're stuck smelling like fish for 365 days.

We also were the illusions, making the impossible possible. How can a team incapable of amassing more than 200 total yards in a game versus the middling Iowa Hawkeyes eclipse that in just one quarter against the undefeated Buckeyes? Pulling out all the stops in the season's final game? A maddening mix of player inexperience and coaching incompetence? Yes and yes.

Ahh...the roller coaster of fanhood.