Sunday, November 24, 2013

As Much As It Pains Me.... showcase the enemy's band, but they are pretty good. In honor of The Game this weekend, take a look at a few of their marching band performances from this season.

In terms of actual football, yeah this season has been an absolute disaster. On paper, it looks like we'll be lucky to stay within 20 on Saturday, but stranger things have happened in this rivalry. Gardner seems so beat up at this point though, after the ridiculous number of hits he's taken over the past few weeks, and I don't see the coaches coming up with a better game plan than run-left, run-right, yeah, we're screwed.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Part of the Grieving Process? Ylvis Explains Yesterday

(A visual interpretation of the Game of Great Shame, set to Ylvis' The Fox)

Fitz talks smack

Mark's a grump

Taylor bleeds 

and Al eats lots

Narduzzi plots

Sparty drinks

...and the Elephant goes toot.

They bring house 

O-Line's a sieve 

and Devin goes OW OW OW

But there's one sound that no one knows...


Once his teeth stop chattering, I'd love to hear an explanation of the offensive line ineptitude, lack of week-to-week improvement in all three facets of the game, why a bye week before the game still wasn't enough time to prepare, the reason blitzes straight up the middle that torched us in '11 still do so in '13...the list goes on. And put on a coat man!