Thursday, September 30, 2010

Quick and Easy Healthcare Reform Explanation

And it's a cartoon, so it's fun! Ok, fun may be pushing it but it is informative while remaining non-partisan. There's so much vitriol out there about the Affordable Care Act that what it actually does, what it costs and who will benefit gets lost in the nonsensical yelling between both sides.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Good article on Marc Buoniconti, president of The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis

"That's the spirit of the project: Never, never, never give up. We have too much to lose. We're fighting for so much. We're fighting for so many."

Buoniconti was hurt playing football 25 years ago. He's dedicated his life to finding a cure for paralysis. The Miami Project is one of the premier research centers in the world and according to the article, are moving things along to the clinical trial stage. Very cool.

Friday, September 24, 2010

I found the ArtPrize Winner! (maybe...)

The artist, a local man, used only a #2 pencil to draw this early 20th century US Cavalry regiment by hand. It's life-size and the detail is simply amazing to behold in person. He spent 25+ hours a week over the last 9 months creating it. It's located on the 2nd floor of the GR Art Museum. Check it out!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

A Quick Prediction...

Oh geez, a 1-AA team...not again! This should go better than 2007....

Michigan 45, UMass 7

Cool pose, Denard...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Paparazzi Photos

These paparazzi photos were shot the other day during a workout.  I sort of look like Humpty Dumpty but I think that's an effect of the camera. Or a baggy shirt. Or....

Monday, September 13, 2010

Adventures of Bo SuperDog

Are we sure Bo's not half waterdog? He looks pretty amphibious to me.

Friday, September 10, 2010

A Michigan Man...

Hilarious. I need a shirt like the one Braylon has.

Oh and a Civil War beard like his too.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Encouraging Video: Private Company Finding Success in Fighting Paralysis

I remember reading about this guy and his company in a magazine earlier this year. Judging by their tests on monkeys, they are finding some success. The more companies trying, the better, in my opinion. There's certainly money to be made, and it looks like these people are on the right track.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Get Pumped!

This is a great read about Brock Mealer, the paralyzed brother of a Michigan player who will lead the team, running, out of the tunnel on Saturday. I will try to get video and put it up.